Thursday 10 November 2016

Trialed By Nature - Chapter 3


Rayne tugged at the sleeves of her jacket, immersed in the conversation with her best friend, “-and then he just goes like, ‘You don’t see love with your eyes, you see it with your heart.’

           She made a series of fanning motions, hiding her crazy smile behind her hands, cackling at the sheer absurdity of that quote. Her best friend, Charlotte, was hiding her apparent blush while laughing in response to what she said.

           “But legit though, that app is just so-” Charlotte exclaimed, stomping her feet and waving her free hand around. She was still wringing her hair out, twisting and crushing the water out, even though the rain had already stopped many minutes ago. It had stopped just as fast as it had begun. The sky had cracked open to reveal the sun that was as bright as it had been ten minutes ago.

Cara shook out her short, feathery hair like a wet dog. She reached into the pocket of her bag and pulled out a simple black hair-band. It was slid into her damp hair, effectively pushing the still-dripping strands out of her face.

          “What app are you guys talking about?” Cara scoffed. Rayne flashed Charlotte a knowing smile as she stepped over a crevice in the sidewalk.

Charlotte grinned, even wider than before. “Nothing!”

           “You people.” Cara rolled her eyes. If Rayne hadn’t known better, she would have believed it was insulting rather than it being playful, but she did know better. She knew them better than she knew herself. It had always been like this. Rayne, Charlotte and Cara lived near each other, they were also in the same class. Everyday, they would walk to school, as well as class, together.

“So, what do you think today is gonna be like?” Rayne raked a comb through her hair. A car rushed by, blowing her hair onto her face, messing her hair up all over again. She yanked the comb through once more.

“As long as it’s not hot, I’m good. I’m just so sick and tired of it being hot, because I always look like I was just rescued from drowning,” Charlotte said. Rayne chortled, nodding in agreement.

The classroom had been ridiculously hot for two days in a row, though something like that usually never happens. When it did, however, Rayne was more than often the one that suffered the most. She glanced down at the slightly irritated skin on her arm. The protection worked, but not as well as it should’ve. It didn’t protect them against skin conditions.
“It might be,” Cara stated, discouraging Charlotte, “don’t get your hopes up.”

“Hey! Don’t rain on my parade,” Charlotte whined. She gave Cara a swift nudge with her elbow. Cara snickered but decided to remain silent. Charlotte continued the conversation, moving onto another topic.

They got so immersed in the rest of their conversation that the next time Rayne actually took into account of their surroundings, they were already walking up the stairs, heading towards their class. They slowed down to a halt when they arrived at the entrance.

There was no hesitation. Rayne reached out and seized the doorknob. It shone like it was only polished this morning and no one had ever touched it before. A doorknob shouldn’t look this inviting, Rayne thought to herself.

It was only half a second later that she felt the weight of a winter coat resting on her shoulders. Rayne clutched the doorknob tighter, trying to keep herself upright. These winter outfits were way too heavy. She released the apple-sized knob, and one after another, Charlotte and Cara put their hands on the doorknob and got changed.

Rayne took a moment to register what they had been given this time. She had gotten a dark blue coat with a hood lined with synthetic fur. Cara’s was obsidian black while Charlotte’s was a forest green. Under further inspection, they found out that there were several layers of thermal clothing under the coats as well.

Charlotte sighed, “It’s winter. It’s always winter. I mean sure, like, I love the cool breeze but today is just ridiculous! But at least it’s not the desert. Again.”

“Okay,” Rayne said, looking around. “We ready?”

Charlotte gave a nervous smile, fiddling with the hem of her fluffy coat.

“Aren’t we always?”



Sorry for being late and all that. We've been lazy, heh. Links are below. Hope you enjoyed :D

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