Saturday 26 November 2016

The Adventures of Ted and his friends (chapter 1)

     Ted, a soft toy shaped like a bear is living in a comfortable house in USJ 9. His owners, Isaac and his little sister, Ilysha were very nice to him and always pretended like he was alive but what they didn't know was that he actually is. One day, Isaac brought his Pokemon soft toy out and put it with Ted. The soft toy was called Cyndaquil. They started playing with them until Ilysha's 11th birthday came and her friend, Jethra gave her a really dark red bear. They decided to name it Tessy. Then a few months later, they got a green monkey and named it Mimi. Lastly, Ilysha's 12th birthday came and her friend, Vernise gave her a Pokemon Pikachu soft toy and her big sister gave her a My Little Pony Pinkie Pie soft toy. That was how the family came together.
         One night, when everyone fell asleep, Ted came alive somehow and decided wake the others up. Tessy and Mimi woke up and said, "What??!" Pikachu and Cyndaquil was in shock on how they were actually alive. They all got out of the sofa and stretched.
        "Hey, why don't we explore the house, let's start with the kitchen." Ted suggested. The rest agreed. They started to look around and tried their best to be very quiet until Pikachu was so excited that a little spark came out from its tail and made a little noise that made the others worried. Ilysha's brother was not bothered by and went back to sleep. They were all relieved.
       Once they were done with the kitchen, they quietly went upstairs and scouted the area. They went back downstairs and decided to go back to sleep when Pinkie saw a door which led to the store room. She told the others that she wanted to check out that area, the others agreed. They opened the door quietly and went in. They glanced at the awful mess and decided to clean a little of it. Just as they were about to leave, Cyndaquil accidentally stepped on a button on the floor which opened a door leading to somewhere.
      They all wondered to themselves, and it was settled. One by one went in, and when they did, they felt all dizzy. "Now, can somepony explain where we are? Wait, why did I say somepony when you all aren't ponies but what should I say then, everybody but some of you are Pokemon characters and some of you are animals, every animal? Okay, I'm confused, what should I say then? Well......" Pinkie Pie said without taking a breath.
     "Now, now, Pinkie, just say everybody and I have no idea where are we." Mimi interrupted.
     "Well I would like SOMEPONY, I meant somebody, to have a very good explanation!" Pinkie screamed.
     "PINKIE!! Could you just stop screaming!!" Tessy shouted back.
     " Can you two please just be quiet?" Ted said nicely.
     " Well I would if she STOPPED!!?" Pinkie and Tessy shouted. It was so loud that it made something rumble. They all screamed and ran into each other that made them scream even louder. All of them found a rock.
     " Hey guys, look at this peculiar rock, I must say its very unique." Mimi said dreamily. Tessy hit her lightly and she woke up.
     "This is no ordinary rock, it looks more like GEMS!!!" Ted shouted.
     " Look who's the one shouting now" Tessy and Pinkie said while smiling slowly.
     " Guys what are these??" Cyndaquil questioned them.

( To be continued)
By: Ilysha Yap
Class: Year 7 Gentleness

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