Saturday 26 November 2016

The Adventures of Ted and his friends ( Chapter 2)

      Ever since Ted and the others went in that portal, they started acting weird.
     "Now Cyndaquil, those are called gems", Ted said confidently.
     " Absolutely not! Those aren't gems, their just a bunch of old, dusty rocks." Pikachu said in disgust.
     " Well, lightning, this isn't gems nor rocks, its cotton!" Tessy uttered.
     " Strawberry, it is none of those! Its......uh...erm.....a...PEARL!!!!" Pinkie said confusingly.
     " Okay, everyone just say what do you all see." Mimi suggested.
     "Pearls,trash,gems and rocks." They all mumbled.
     " I can't hear you all!"
     "PEARLS, TRASH, GEMS AND ROCKS!!" They all screamed while trying to catch their breath. Mimi was so scared that she hid behind a huge rock. They were a so worried that they hid with her and they made Mimi laugh.
     After a short while, they started to explore a little. " This place looks like a cave." Ted wondered. The cave was very bright because of the crystals and gems in there, it was also very unique because there were cotton in there. Suddenly, Mimi and Tessy squealed with delight. The rest of the group thought they saw something beautiful like gems.

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