Wednesday 2 November 2016

Trialed By Nature - Chapter 1


Summer just couldn’t control herself. She shovelled another dinosaur-portioned spoonful of her mother’s famous (within the neighbourhood) lasagna onto her plate. That must have been her third serving of lasagna, which her mother used to cook for her every day. The cheese was salty; it was Swiss cheese, just the way she liked it. The tomato sauce within the lasagna was thinner than it normally was, though she didn’t mind, and by mere minutes, she had finished the mountain of cheese, pasta sauce and meat that had once graced her plate. Her hand twitched as she eyed the lasagna in the pot greedily.

Her mother giggled, covering her mouth with her dainty fingers, the paragon of utter ladylike elegance. Summer couldn’t help but admire just how gentle she was. She also couldn’t help being jealous of how she lacked that very trait.

“Summer, you’re going to eat everyone’s portion if you continue spooning away.” Her mother’s voice was as soothing as the whispering winds; a voice that almost always had pity laced within whenever she was talking to her, or about her. At her words, Summer sighed and reluctantly put the serving spoon down, reaching for a nearby napkin. If I must.

Summer glanced up at her mom and bore into the tired, turquoise eyes. Her mother’s eyes were normal, unlike her own; one an electrifying blue, the other a warm chocolate brown. She reminisced the cruel way people had shunned her due to her abnormal eyes, crying to the teacher about how she had two different coloured eyes, asking if it was some contagious disease.

Her father chuckled, and she looked at his eyes but looked away immediately afterwards. His eyes are normal, too. Why aren’t mine? His deep voice resonated throughout the room, “So, Summer, how was school today?”

That question really caught her off guard. How was school today? It wasn’t just ‘okay’. ‘Awesome’ would be a lie. ‘Boring’ would be a lie as well. What could she say to describe it anyway? Didn’t the protection (or whatever it was called) prevent her from speaking about the school?

The word escaped before she could even process it properly.


She regretted it the very moment that word left her lips. Was ‘interesting’ a lie, though? School definitely was interesting… but what if her parents took it the wrong way? What way could they take it the wrong way? Her hands automatically shovelled another spoonful of lasagna into her mouth to mask her regret. Her parents weren’t uttering a single word. Had they figured out? This was bad news. If they find out…

Her mother laughed a laughter twinkling like wind blowing through chimes. “I’m glad you’re enjoying your new school.”

Enjoy… I suppose so.


Here we will leave links that will take you to: the intro, the previous chapter, and the first chapter. Hope you enjoyed this one :D Oh, and also, this is from the point of view of one of the students. Okay, bye.

first chapter: this is the first chapter ^-^

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