Monday 24 July 2017

Trialed By Nature - Chapter 4


Jacob promised himself that he would never, ever get old of the sight of his classmates’ icy faces as they were attacked by flitting snow. Even with the snow cap pulled low over his ears, he could hear the annoyance oozing from their voices as they spoke.

“Okay,” said Rayne, burying her numb fingers into her pockets.

“It’s winter,” said Cara, the cold not seeming to affect her that much.

“Really windy winter,” Charlotte observed, shuddering and hugging herself.

“Just be grateful that it’s not the desert!” he tittered. The three of them turned towards him, and everything fell soundless.

Charlotte was the first to break the silence with laughter. “Jacob, you got a little something on your eyelashes!” He looked upwards, only to see flakes of snow collecting on his eyelashes. He brushed it off and glared.

“Ha-ha. Very funny Charlotte.”

“Sorry, can’t help it, amigo,” she grinned, holding her hands up and shrugging apologetically. She stuck her tongue out in guilt when she saw that Jacob was still eying her suspiciously.

“But we should be thankful that today isn’t the desert,” he grumbled. He eyed the three girls, who lowered their gaze and started fidgeting as their realized how lucky they were. Conditions were never so bad in the winter biome.

From time to time, Jacob would think of how weird it was that their classroom could change biomes. It did not, however, freak him out in any way. In fact, their varying learning conditions more or less fascinated him.He didn’t really care if it was ‘magic’ or not, it made school fun, much more fun than all the other schools he’d been to. The biomes were just an accessory; they weren’t really dangerous or anything along those lines. In winter, you could barely feel the chill due to some protection or whatever. Jacob didn’t really remember the details.

Charlotte tried pushing his feet, that were propped up, off the table when she walked past behind him. When his feet didn’t budge, she flopped the bobble on his cap and sat down in her seat. Cara and Rayne had already settled in their own seats and started their own conversation. A comfortable silence settled between Jacob and Charlotte.

Rayne was the first to speak up. “What time is it?”

“You should really wear a watch,” Cara said, rotating her wrist and bringing it closer to her face, squinting as she read the numbers on the digital display, “it’s 7:57.”

“I forgot, again…” Rayne trailed off with an embarrassed smile on her face.

“You always forget,” Cara hummed gingerly. Rayne really did have a knack for forgetting things. Jacob didn’t understand how she remembered to bring her bags. He was then reminded of the time when Rayne didn’t bring her bags to school.

Charlotte was glancing around the room. She was trying, quite obviously, not to be obvious. Jacob got a little annoyed by this. Why not prod? Prodding is fun.

“What, or who, are you looking for?” he asked firmly. Upon seeing Charlotte’s taken aback reaction, Jacob laughed internally, to save what little bit of dignity she had left. This was going to be a lot of fun.

“It’s just, Jase and Cole are never late,” Charlotte mumbled. A hint of pink flushed over her cheeks. Gotcha. Charlotte always put her emotions on display and let her feelings show way too easily. “Jacob. I know that look. Shut. Up.”

“I didn’t even say anything! Why? Does someone have a crush?” He mocked in a baby voice and making goo-goo eyes in attempt to aggravate her even further.

“N-no! I’m blushing because it’s cold and-” She was such a bad liar. Thankfully, the bell drowned over her voice, saving her in the process. Jacob took his feet off the table and stood up. Charlotte stood up too. Rayne and Cara were waiting outside. Jacob hated the assembly, but he’d be worse off if he was late.

Charlotte went to walk out but then she stopped, turning back to look at Jacob. Her eyes were steady and unwavering.

          “I do not have a crush,” she declared stubbornly. Not that that was enough to make him feel guilty for teasing her, though. Or convince him.

          “But I don’t even know which one-” he faltered when her eyes did not stray from his. They bore into his soul, unblinking and unwavering, forcing him to accept what she had said as the truth. It was basically a staring contest between the two of them before Jacob could feel more snow building up on his eyelashes. He blinked, sighing.

          “Fine, fine! Just stop with that look, okay?” He rubbed his eye begrudgingly and muttered, “It’s creepy.”

Charlotte turned without another word and made her way through the thick layer of powdery snow caching the floor.

From what Jacob had heard about the tundra biome system, the classrooms would filter away the excess snow when students were present inside. Most of the information he’d forget because they were too complicated to understand.

Jacob absconded through the door before Charlotte could slam it shut, ducking under her arm and twirling around to face her. He was met with Charlotte’s ‘I’m-honestly-so-done-with-you’ face. His winter clothes were replaced by the hideous school uniform that clung too tightly to his body. He looked around and saw other students exiting the class, also trying to adapt to the uncomfortable uniform.

Jacob finally made his way to the assembly hall. On the way in he caught two blondes, 15-year-olds, examining him and whispering intently as he walked past. He ignored them and sat down in his usual seat. Row 5 Column 1. Rayne, Charlotte and Cara were already seated in the row in front of him.

Though the assembly hall had been practically deserted when he came in - nobody liked to come that early - people started to pour in almost immediately.

He studied the area around the door and saw Jase pushing his way through the crowds. Even with the swarms of tardy people flooding in through the assembly door all at once, Jacob still could see Jase. He was too tall, standing at 6 feet with shockingly pale hair. Right behind him was a head of messy dark hair; Cole, his brother. They made their way towards him, arguing about punctuality and laziness.

Hidden by the two trees was Ms. Cary, their principal. She sauntered her way towards the stage with her humble dress flowing as she walked, the usual announcements and notifications on a clipboard cradled in her arm. She tied her greying hair into her usual tight bun quickly and neatly before picking up the microphone. Jacob sank into his seat.

Thirty minutes. He had to sit through thirty minutes.



stupid format won't work with us. it's been a while. hope you enjoyed :D

to intro:
            to chapter 3:

Tuesday 14 March 2017

I Just Want To Go Home

((Author's Note: So this is the story I did for English Class and I thought maybe I should post it here too. It's pretty bad but I hope you like it anyways ^^"))



Who is that?

Sir, please. Stop resisting!

What's happening?


Where am I?

Please.. I can't lose her again...

Who am I?

When I awoke in the small and tiny white room I was in, I couldn't seem to recall any of my memories. All I remember were the words 'Please... I can't lose her again...' Unfortunately I don't remember who said it or who it was meant for. Just as I was pondering my thoughts, a middle-aged man with tousled silver hair and thin brown eyes and black eyebrows with a light complexion and sharp facial features entered the room that I was in.

"Good morning Miss Jin," he said.

He was wearing shaded glass spectacles and a small, purple, cross-shaped pin on the cowl around his neck. His outfit mainly consists of an unzipped black suit over a buttoned vest and a green shirt. He was also wearing black trouser shoes and long, dark-green pants. In addition to his cane, his other frequent accessory I manage to caught was a mug bearing some sort of emblem.

"Um... Who?" I asked him.

"Why you ma'am," he said while pointing towards me.


"Yes, you. Your name is Sunshine Jin, and you can call me Professor Ozpin."

'Why do both of us have such weird names,' I asked myself. "Um... Ok, Mr. Ozpin. Wh-Where am I exactly? How did I get here? Why can't I remember anything? Wha-"

"Calm down Miss Jin, I know you have a lot of questions. First, your in the hospital. Second, we brought you here. And third, it was probably due to the... experiments you were in."


"Well..." He handed me a mirror, "Take a look for yourself."

I looked in the mirror that he gave me. I didn't expect myself to look anything liked this... It seems I had grew some long black ears that resembles a bit like wolf ears, half of my face seems to be covered in some sort of bone-like mask with weird red markings on it; my teeth had also seem to grew more sharper. Although, my golden-yellow blonde hair seemed to remained the same. I look down my left arm and noticed how it was covered in black fur with small bone-like spikes protruding from my elbow, my left hand also resembles a type of claw. I looked down my back and saw more spikes protruding out; my whole body seems to be covered in fur and small spikes; except my right arm and left leg which seems to be the only parts that looked 'human'; I'VE EVEN GROWN A TAIL!!!

I was shocked by my appearance that I drop the mirror on to the floor, shattering it to pieces. I couldn't believe it... I WON'T BELIEVE IT! I-I...

"A man by the name of Calvin did this to you. I'm sorry..."

"................How?" I whispered so quietly that I doubted he heard me.


"How... How did he do this?"

"He experimented... a lot... you weren't his first..."

"Was he mad?"



I had no words. But just as I was thinking about it, my mind was flooded with more questions that I wanted to ask. Unfortunately, I had so many, I didn't know where to begin!

"I'm sure you have many questions, but you need your rest. I'll come by tomorrow and answer them if you liked."

I honestly wanted him to answer all of them now, but I realize how tired I really was. I nodded my head and tried to get comfortable on the bed I was on. Prof. Ozpin then left the room and I was on my own. I thought and thought, so many questions in my head, how was I supposed to go to bed?! But after some time, my eyes finally closed and I was taken in to dreamland.


Many months had gone by, Prof. Ozpin answered some of my questions but I still had more; he didn't had the answers to those questions. Any who, he had decided to enrolled me in his school (turns out he was a headmaster) Beacon Academy. I didn't understood why he would do that, especially sense I looked like... well... a freak... But still he insisted me on going.

I didn't want people to judge me for how I look so I decided to wear a giant red hoodie to hide my fur and some gloves to hide my claw. (I wore two so that I won't look suspicious) I wore a hat to cover my ears and lose green leggings to hide my other fur. I'm lucky that the spikes weren't too sharp to pierce through my clothing. I just hid my mask with my hair which I had grown out in a couple of months.

To be honest, school was fun. And I'm not just talking about the education; I met a girl, her name was Ruby Rose, she was fair skinned young girl with silver eyes and black hair that fades to dark red at the tips cut in an asymmetrical bob. She and I became friends, she was the first ever friend I made. She even introduce me to her other friends: Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, and her sister Yang Xiao Long.

Weiss was a pale skinned young girl with pale blue eyes and long white hair pulled back into an off-center bun tail and pinned with an icicle shaped tiara. A crooked scar runs vertically down her left eye.

Blake was a fair skinned young girl with amber eyes and long black hair. A ribbon is tied with a large bow on the top of her head. She wears purple eyeshadow in catseye style.

Yang was a fair skinned young girl with purple eyes and dark golden hair worn loose that fades to pale gold at the tips.

They were all so kind to me, and when I finally revealed my true self, they only felt bad that it happened to me. However I kinda wish I didn't showed them. After that day, rumors were spread around and a bully by the name of Cardin Winchester (who was already bulling me) pulled my hat off in the middle of class, everyone saw my ears. After that everyone called me names: Freak, Abomination, Mutant, Monstrosity, Weirdo, Monster...

It looked like it didn't bothered me, but it hurt... a lot... Someone actually called the police, and they took me away... I didn't want to go, but I was forced to. I was then nicknamed 'Project Beowold', they used me, injected me with chemicals that just made my body worse, I turned into a real monster.

Minutes felt like hours, and hours felt like weeks, and days felt like years. All I ever felt was pain 24/7. I tried to keep my mind off things, and how much the experiments hurt. I tried thinking of Prof. Ozpin, and how he was so kind to take me in and let me in to his school. I started thinking of Ruby and her friends, and how nice and caring they were to me when I revealed my true self to them. The more I think of them, the more I wanted to see and thank them.

I managed to escape after many weeks of being trapped in that awful lab. I wanted to go back to Beacon but I didn't know the way there, instead I fled towards the forest, where I pray no one finds me.


After a few days of hide out, a hunter caught me by surprise... I just wanted to go home......
I remember...
He was my brother...
Calvin Jin...

I was a young girl, probably around 7 years of aged. I was killed in a house fire. My brother wanted to bring me back. Our parents were already dead when i was born, I was all he had left.

He tried

He tried



Finally, he brought me back, but not fully... but then they took him away. They took him, and killed him.....

He just wanted us to go back home...


((Author's Note: I kinda rushed at the second chapter-thingy and at the end so it was pretty bad... Sorry about it, but still I hope you liked my little story, ^^ ... I know is not little, but still I really hope you like it! Thanks again for reading! Stay Cool.))

Total Word Count : 1362 Words (Not including A/N)

- Vernise Lee, Year 8 Goodness

Wednesday 21 December 2016

My trip to shanghai

This is how my trip begin.

                                             First I got into my mothers car volkswagencc

Saturday 26 November 2016

The Adventures of Ted and his friends ( Chapter 2)

      Ever since Ted and the others went in that portal, they started acting weird.
     "Now Cyndaquil, those are called gems", Ted said confidently.
     " Absolutely not! Those aren't gems, their just a bunch of old, dusty rocks." Pikachu said in disgust.
     " Well, lightning, this isn't gems nor rocks, its cotton!" Tessy uttered.
     " Strawberry, it is none of those! Its......uh...erm.....a...PEARL!!!!" Pinkie said confusingly.
     " Okay, everyone just say what do you all see." Mimi suggested.
     "Pearls,trash,gems and rocks." They all mumbled.
     " I can't hear you all!"
     "PEARLS, TRASH, GEMS AND ROCKS!!" They all screamed while trying to catch their breath. Mimi was so scared that she hid behind a huge rock. They were a so worried that they hid with her and they made Mimi laugh.
     After a short while, they started to explore a little. " This place looks like a cave." Ted wondered. The cave was very bright because of the crystals and gems in there, it was also very unique because there were cotton in there. Suddenly, Mimi and Tessy squealed with delight. The rest of the group thought they saw something beautiful like gems.

The Adventures of Ted and his friends (chapter 1)

     Ted, a soft toy shaped like a bear is living in a comfortable house in USJ 9. His owners, Isaac and his little sister, Ilysha were very nice to him and always pretended like he was alive but what they didn't know was that he actually is. One day, Isaac brought his Pokemon soft toy out and put it with Ted. The soft toy was called Cyndaquil. They started playing with them until Ilysha's 11th birthday came and her friend, Jethra gave her a really dark red bear. They decided to name it Tessy. Then a few months later, they got a green monkey and named it Mimi. Lastly, Ilysha's 12th birthday came and her friend, Vernise gave her a Pokemon Pikachu soft toy and her big sister gave her a My Little Pony Pinkie Pie soft toy. That was how the family came together.
         One night, when everyone fell asleep, Ted came alive somehow and decided wake the others up. Tessy and Mimi woke up and said, "What??!" Pikachu and Cyndaquil was in shock on how they were actually alive. They all got out of the sofa and stretched.
        "Hey, why don't we explore the house, let's start with the kitchen." Ted suggested. The rest agreed. They started to look around and tried their best to be very quiet until Pikachu was so excited that a little spark came out from its tail and made a little noise that made the others worried. Ilysha's brother was not bothered by and went back to sleep. They were all relieved.
       Once they were done with the kitchen, they quietly went upstairs and scouted the area. They went back downstairs and decided to go back to sleep when Pinkie saw a door which led to the store room. She told the others that she wanted to check out that area, the others agreed. They opened the door quietly and went in. They glanced at the awful mess and decided to clean a little of it. Just as they were about to leave, Cyndaquil accidentally stepped on a button on the floor which opened a door leading to somewhere.
      They all wondered to themselves, and it was settled. One by one went in, and when they did, they felt all dizzy. "Now, can somepony explain where we are? Wait, why did I say somepony when you all aren't ponies but what should I say then, everybody but some of you are Pokemon characters and some of you are animals, every animal? Okay, I'm confused, what should I say then? Well......" Pinkie Pie said without taking a breath.
     "Now, now, Pinkie, just say everybody and I have no idea where are we." Mimi interrupted.
     "Well I would like SOMEPONY, I meant somebody, to have a very good explanation!" Pinkie screamed.
     "PINKIE!! Could you just stop screaming!!" Tessy shouted back.
     " Can you two please just be quiet?" Ted said nicely.
     " Well I would if she STOPPED!!?" Pinkie and Tessy shouted. It was so loud that it made something rumble. They all screamed and ran into each other that made them scream even louder. All of them found a rock.
     " Hey guys, look at this peculiar rock, I must say its very unique." Mimi said dreamily. Tessy hit her lightly and she woke up.
     "This is no ordinary rock, it looks more like GEMS!!!" Ted shouted.
     " Look who's the one shouting now" Tessy and Pinkie said while smiling slowly.
     " Guys what are these??" Cyndaquil questioned them.

( To be continued)
By: Ilysha Yap
Class: Year 7 Gentleness

Tuesday 22 November 2016

The adventures of Ted and his friends (Intro)

    When Ted and his friends came alive one day, they decided to explore around when Cyndaquil found a secret door that lead them to a mysterious cave with magic.
    One by one is disappearing into weird dimensions. Will they find each other? Will they overcome their fears and the danger that awaits them?
By: Ilysha Yap
Class: Year 7 Gentleness