Wednesday 26 October 2016

Message and Rules


Hello, this is our new blog for story-writing. Here, we will be posting works that we have written over the course of the school year. 

In this blog, you may find stories from different people from different classes. Some may even be individual works. 

So we hope you will enjoy your time here, as well as the stories. Feel free to comment and give feedback on the stories whenever you wish, but please make sure to follow the rules below.

Thank you! :D



Feel free to write any stories that you want and let your imagination run wild. Just make sure they follow the rules written below, okay? Happy writing! :D

RULES (for readers):

1. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it. However, constructive criticism is allowed.
2. Comments should be school appropriate: no swearing

RULES (for writers):

1. Do not swear in any of your writing.
2. Anything that you write should be school appropriate: nothing too graphic.
3. Try not to start anything that you are not committed to: do not start a story and not continue it.
4. Do not use this blog as a way to publicly shame/shade someone.
*Before you write, try to do an introduction of your story so that readers will get your plot idea. Kind of like a blurb.

Okay, bye.

- the admins of this blog, technically.

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